Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar
Speaker: Sara Silva (
Venue: IST Alameda, Sala PA2 (Edifício de Pós-Graduação)
Date: Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
Time: 13:00
Lunch will be provided
Title: A Tutorial on Genetic Programming
Abstract: Genetic Programming (GP) is the youngest paradigm inside the
Artificial Intelligence field called Evolutionary Computation. Created
by John Koza in 1992, it can be regarded as a powerful generalization of
Genetic Algorithms, but unfortunately it is still poorly understood
outside the GP community. The goal of this tutorial is to provide
motivation, intuition and practical advice about GP, along with very few
technical details.
Bio: Sara Silva is a senior researcher of the Knowledge Discovery and
Bioinformatics (KDBIO) group at INESC-ID Lisboa, Portugal, and an
invited researcher of the Evolutionary and Complex Systems (ECOS) group
at CISUC, Portugal. She has a BSc and a MSc in Informatics by the
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and a PhD in
Informatics Engineering by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the
University of Coimbra. After graduation she used neural networks and
genetic algorithms in several interdisciplinary projects ranging from
remote sensing and forest science to epidemiology and medical
informatics. She started her research on GP in 2002, studying the bloat
problem. Her main contributions to this field were the Dynamic Limits
and Resource-Limited GP bloat control methods, and the developments that
put into practice the new Operator Equalisation method. Her current main
research interests are bloat and overfitting in GP, and how they relate
to each other, and the effective and efficient usage of GP in real life
problems within the earth sciences and bioinformatics domains. She is a
member of the editorial board of Genetic Programming and Evolvable
Machines, and the creator of GPLAB - A Genetic Programming Toolbox for
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